Quality above quantity


If someone asked me to describe the furniture we build using just one word, without hesitation it would be quality. Have you ever looked at, or felt something and could instantly tell it was a quality product? You can tell when something is built well and will last. You know that you’re going to get what you pay for. We strive to build that top-quality product you want, every time. We will never sacrifice quality over speed and quantity. I am fascinated when I see furniture that is 50-100 years old and it looks the day it did when it was built. If you were to ask yourself “How is it that something made from wood is still around today?” The answer would be easy, quality. Quality craftsmanship and quality materials. Most of these amazing pieces we see and desire were handmade, each piece individually built, not mass-produced in a factory downtown. At Oly Woodworks we utilize a little old and a little new. New for the accuracy and repeatability, and old for the charm and character. Most people believe custom furniture costs way more than store-bought mass-produced furniture. Yes, that statement would be correct if you were to compare custom furniture to something mass-produced for Target or Ikea. Don’t get me wrong, while these pieces may be nice and have their place (like a college dorm room) they don’t compare to custom furniture. At Oly Woodworks we only build high-quality furniture, with high-quality materials. All of our furniture is built using high-quality materials from local shops when available. We won’t use an inferior product to save a buck or any other sub-standard materials, such as MDF or particle board that you may find in some of the lower-quality furniture out there. Nothing is wrong with furniture built that way, we just do it differently at Oly Woodworks. Everything we build is made to last, and it’s obvious the moment you see and touch your new fine custom furniture that it was made for you and made to last. At Oly Woodworks it is always QUALITY over QUANTITY and always will be.

Now, this may sound corny, but we’re a small business with a goal and a dream. It’s simple really. We want to build exceptional quality furniture that people desire and cherish. That’s only part of it though. Here’s the corny part. We want to build furniture that people can’t let themselves get rid of. They love our furniture so much that it’s passed down from generation to generation. I want to build a piece of furniture and know someone will be using it 100 years from now.

I get it, not everyone is going to keep every awesome piece of furniture we build forever and ever, but we want you to have that option and we’re going to work hard every day to build beautiful quality furniture that you can keep forever and ever :)

Let’s talk

Give us a call and let’s talk about creating you the next piece of furniture you’ll want to keep forever :)